Kazumasa Nomura's Publications

  1. Near-bipartite Leonard pairs,
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 40 (2024) 224--275.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article

  2. Compatibility and companions for Leonard pairs,
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 37 (2022) 404--456.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article

  3. Idempotent systems and character algebras
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Journal of Algebra, 587 (2021) 142--170.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article

  4. Totally bipartite tridiagonal pairs
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 37 (2021) 434--491.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article

  5. Idempotent systems
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Algebraic Combinatorics 4 (2021) 329--357.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article

  6. Leonard pairs, spin models, and distance-regular graphs
    with Paul Terwilliger
    J. Combin. Theory A. 177 (2021) 105312.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article

  7. Self-dual Leonard pairs
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Special Matrices 7 (2019) 1--19.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article

  8. The universal DAHA of type (C_1^v, C_1) and Leonard pairs of q-Racah type
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Linear Algebra Appl. 533 (2017) 14--83.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article

  9. An LR pair that can be extended to an LR triple
    Linear Algebra Appl. 493 (2016) 336--357 .
    Preprint - Abstract/Article

  10. Linear transformations that are tridiagonal with respect to the three decompositions for an LR triple
    Linear Algebra Appl. 486 (2015) 173--203.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article

  11. Leonard pairs having zero-diagonal TD-TD form
    Linear Algebra Appl. 478 (2015) 1--52.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article

  12. Leonard pairs having specified end-entries
    Linear Algebra Appl. 465 (2015) 43--64.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article

  13. The end-parameters of a Leonard pair
    Linear Algebra Appl. 462 (2014) 88--109.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article

  14. Leonard pairs having LB-TD form
    Linear Algebra Appl. 455 (2014) 1--21.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article

  15. Krawtchouk polynomials, the Lie algebra sl_2, and Leonard pairs
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Linear Algebra Appl. 437 (2012) 345-375.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article

  16. Tridiagonal matrices with nonnegative entries
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Linear Algebra Appl. 434 (2011) 2527-2538.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article

  17. A classification of sharp tridiagonal pairs
    with Tatsuro Ito and Paul Terwilliger
    Linear Algebra Appl. 435 (2011) 1857-1884.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article

  18. Tridiagonal pairs of q-Racah type and the mu-conjecture
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Linear Algebra Appl. 432 (2010) 3201-3209.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article (Open access)

  19. On the shape of a tridiagonal pair
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Linear Algebra Appl. 432 (2010) 615-636.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article (Open access)

  20. Tridiagonal pairs and the mu-conjecture
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Linear Algebra Appl. 430 (2009) 455-482.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article (Open access)

  21. The structure of a tridiagonal pair
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Linear Algebra Appl. 429 (2008) 1647-1662.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article (Open access)

  22. Towards a classification of the tridiagonal pairs
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Linear Algebra Appl. 429 (2008) 503-518.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article (Open access)

  23. Sharp tridiagonal pairs
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Linear Algebra Appl. 429 (2008) 79-99.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article (Open access)

  24. Transition maps between the 24 bases for a Leonard pair
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Linear Algebra Appl. 431 (2009) 571--593.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article (Open access)

  25. The split decomposition of a tridiagonal pair
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Linear Algebra Appl. 424 (2007) 339-345.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article (Open access)

  26. Affine transformations of a Leonard pair
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Electron. J. of Linear Algebra 16 (2007) 389-418.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article (Open access)

  27. The switching element for a Leonard pair
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Linear Algebra Appl. 428 (2008) 1083-1108.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article (Open access)

  28. Linear transformations that are tridiagonal with respect to both eigenbases of a Leonard pair
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Linear Algebra Appl. 420 (2007) 198-207.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article (Open access)

  29. Balanced Leonard pairs
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Linear Algebra Appl. 420 (2007) 51-69.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article (Open access)

  30. Matrix units associated with the split basis of a Leonard pair
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Linear Algebra Appl. 418 (2006) 775-787.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article (Open access)

  31. The determinant of AA*-A*A for a Leonard pair A, A*
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Linear Algebra Appl. 416 (2006) 880-889.
    Preprint - Abstract/Article (Open access)

  32. Some trace formulae involving the split sequences of a Leonard pair
    with Paul Terwilliger
    Linear Algebra Appl. 413 (2006) 189-201.
    Preprint - Article/Abstract (Open access)

  33. Tridiagonal pairs of height one
    Linear Algebra Appl. 403 (2005) 118-142.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  34. A refinement of the split decomposition of a tridiagonal pair
    Linear Algebra Appl. 403 (2005) 1-23.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  35. Tridiagonal pairs and the Askey-Wilson relations
    Linear Algebra Appl. 397 (2005) 99-106.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  36. 1-homogeneous, pseudo-1-homogeneous, and 1-thin distance-regular graphs
    with Brian Curtin
    J. Combin. Theory (B) 93 (2005) 279-302.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  37. Homogeneity of a distance-regular graph which supports a spin model
    with Brian Curtin
    J. Alg. Combin. 19 (2004) 257-272.

  38. Spin models of index 2 and Hadmard models
    J. Alg. Combin. 17 (2003) 5-17.

  39. A property of solusions of modular invariance equations for distance-regular graphs
    Kyushu J. Math. 56 (2002) 53-57.

  40. Spin models and strongly hyper-self-dual Bose-Mesner algebras
    with Brian Curtin
    J. Alg. Combin. 13 (2001) 173-186.

  41. General form of non-symmetric spin models
    with Takuya Ikuta
    J. Alg. Combin. 12 (2000) 59-72.

  42. Distance-regular graphs related to the quantum enveloping algebra sl(2)
    with Brian Curtin
    J. Alg. Combin. 12 (2000) 25-36.

  43. Distance-regular graphs of valency 6 and a1=1
    with Akira Hiraki and Hiroshi Suzuki
    J. Alg. Combin. 11 (2000) 101-134.

  44. Spin Models and Bose-Mesner Algebras
    Europ. J. Combin. 20 (1999) 691-700.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  45. Some formulas for spin models on distance-regular graphs
    with Brian Curtin
    J. Combin. Th. (B) 75 (1999) 206-236.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  46. Symmetric versus Non-symmetric spin models for link invariants
    with François Jaeger
    J. Alg. Combin. 10 (1999) 241-278.

  47. Type II matrices of size five
    Graphs Combin. 15 (1999) 79-92.

  48. Bose-Mesner algebras related with type II matrices and spin models
    with François Jaeger and Makoto Matsumoto
    J. Alg. Combin. 8 (1998) 39-72.

  49. An algebra associated with a spin model
    J. Alg. Combin. 6 (1997) 53-58.

  50. Spin models and almost bipartite 2-homogeneous graphs
    Adv. Stud. in Pure Math. 24 (1996) 285-308, Japan Mathematical Society, Kinokuniya.

  51. Spin models on triangle-free connected graphs
    J. Combin. Theory (B) 67 (1996) 284-295.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  52. Spin models on bipartite distance-regular graphs
    J. Combin. Theory (B) 64 (1995) 300-313.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  53. Spin models with an eigenvalue of small multiplicity
    J. Combin. Theory (A) 71 (1995) 293-315.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  54. Twisted extensions of spin models
    J. Alg. Combin. 4 (1995) 173-182.

  55. A remark on bipartite distance-regular graphs of even valency
    Graphs Combin. 11 (1995) 139-140.

  56. A remark on Mulder's conjecture about interval-regular graphs
    Discrete Math. 147 (1995) 307-311.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  57. Spin models constructed from Hadamard matrices
    J. Combin. Theory (A) 68 (1994) 251-261.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)
  58. An application of intersection diagrams of high rank
    Discrete Math. 127 (1994) 259-264.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  59. Homogeneous graphs and regular near polygons
    J. Combin. Theory (B) 60 (1994) 63-71.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  60. Some inequalities in distance-regular graphs
    J. Combin. Theory (B) 58 (1993) 243-247.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  61. The girth of a directed distance-regular graph
    with Doug Leonard
    J. Combin. Theory (B) 58 (1993) 34-39.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  62. Intersection diagrams of distance-biregular graphs
    J. Combin. Theory (B) 50 (1990) 214-221.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  63. Distance-regular graphs of Hamming type
    J. Combin. Theory (B) 50 (1990) 160-167.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  64. On local structure of a distance-regular graph of Hamming type
    J. Combin. Theory (B) 47 (1989) 120-123.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  65. A remark on the intersection arrays of distance-regular graphs
    with Alan Boshier
    J. Combin. Theory (B) 44 (1988) 147-153.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  66. An inequality between intersection numbers of distance-regular graphs
    J. Combin. Theory (B) 43 (1987) 358-359.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)

  67. Codes with given distances
    with Hikoe Enomoto, Peter Frankl and Noboru Ito
    Graphs Combin. 3 (1987) 25-38.

  68. The Intersection Diagrams of Graphs
    Doctoral thesis, Department of Information Science, Faculty of Scienece, University of Tokyo, DD:26 (1987)
    Article (PDF)

  69. On t-homogeneous permutation sets
    Archiv Math. 44 (1985) 485-487.

  70. Multiple transitivity of perfect 1-codes in symmetric groups
    Osaka J. Math. 22 (1985) 767-771.

  71. A homogeneousity theorem for perfect 1-codes in regular graphs
    Bull. Gen. Educ. TMDU 15 (1985) 31-33.

  72. Distance degree regular graphs
    with Teruhiko Hilano
    J. Combin. Th. (B) 37 (1984) 96-100.
    Abstract/Article (Open access)
  73. On an equation in finite abelian groups
    with Masao Kiyota
    Sugaku 33 (1981) 81-82 (in Japanese).

  74. On the number of distinct polytypes of mica and SiC with a prime layer-number
    with Kaname Mogami, etc.
    Canadian Mineralogist 16 (1978) 427-436.

  75. Inner subgroups of finite groups
    Kazumasa Nomura
    Kodai Math. J. 1 (1978) 354-361.

  76. A note on a fixed-point-free automorphism and a normal p-complement
    with Hiroshi Nagao
    Osaka J. Math. 12 (1975) 635-638.

  77. On fixed-point-free automorphisms of order r^2
    Master's Thesis at Tokyo Institute of Technology (1974).