

Great experience for you!

FUKUSHIMA is located in north-east part in the mainland of Japan.There are three regions in Fukushima.
You could enjoy journey in each regions.There are great nature ,
historical places and hotspring resorts.These regions could give you wonderful memory.
Come to Fukushima and let's have a great time with us!
Please read following information about NAKADORI,AIZU and HAMADORI.

The center of Fukushima

Nakadoori is located the center of Fukushima.Nakadori where includes capital city of Fukushima is called Fukushima city.There are mountains,hotspring resorts,and more.There are many orchards in Fukushima city so that you could enjoy fruits picking strawberry, peach ,apple,cherry and Japanese pear from January to September.
There are ancient tomb in Koriyama city.You could see historical castles in Shirakawa city and Nihonmatsu city.Of course you can enjoy playing winter sports in there.
To FUKUSHIMA railway station
・About one hour and harlf by TOHOKU SHINKASEN line form Tokyo railway station.
・About six hours by EXPRESS BUS from BUSTA Shinjuku bus station.

Great nature and history

Aizu region played important role in Fukushima and Japanese history.There are many
hisotrical places and nature in this region.There is beautiful castle in Aizuwakamatsu city.Ouchijuku villege remains atmosphere of samurai period in Japan.
You can enjoy Kitakata Ramen in Kitakata city.
Oze natoinal park will povide you beautiful views.
You can enjoy Aizu region throughout the year.
To AIZU WAKAMATSU railway station
・About one hour by BANETSUSAISEN line form Koriyama railway station.
・About two hours by EXPRESS BUS from Fukushima railway station.

Bright sunshine harbor city

Hamadoori region faces the Pacific ocean.The weather is mild throughout the year so that you can enjoy playing golf anytime any season.There is a large scale hotspring facility is called "Spa resort Hawaians" in Iwakiyumoto district.
There is Souma noma oi (wild horse chasing)in Souma district.It shows great battle story in samurai period.You also can enjoy marine sport in here.There is a aquarium is called
"Aqua marine Fukushima"
To IWAKI railway station
・About two hours by JYOBAN line form Tokyo railway station.
・About two hours by EXPRESS BUS from Fukushima railway station.

Fukusima city fire works festival



People go to riverside to watch the fireworks,wearing yukata.
We can watch various fireworks,Shakutama,Starmine and etc.
Japan`s technique
of making fireworks is greatest in the world.
Have a good time
with enjoying beautiful fireworks.

Fukusima waraji(straw sandal)festival



We carry big straw sandal(12meters long,2tons in weight)  and
parade through the main street in fukushima city. We also can
watch dancing including moderen dance,samba dance,hiphop
dance, and etc after the parade. We can feel energy of people
in Fukushima.

Fukusima Inari jinjya shrine big festival



The fesival in autumn is held for 3days. There are Japanese haunted
house and food stools aorund Inari jinjya shrine.
Each town brings their portable shrine. 23 lantern festival cars goes to
Inari jinjya shrine from the center of Fukushima city.It is magnificent


The complex of modern and tradiotion.

楽膳椀.pngRakuzen is the brand of Aizu traditional laquarware.Female designer
puroduces various table wares with tradtinal technique.These table
wares was innovated to use for everyone.Aizu laquar paint is one of the tradtinal technique in Fukushiam.Please feel trandiotn and modern by
touching these products.About more details click the link.