

The Study of Functional Lateralization of Sacroiliac Joint
- a Proporsal and Interpretation of a New Method of Inspection -


Clinical examinations for the evaluation of articular functions should have the following
characteristics: they should be based on rational theory, be both objective and reproducible,
and be simple to perform. Tests that have poor inter-examiner reliability or that require skills
difficult to achieve are not appropriate for use as assessment methods. The test currently
used in the field of manual medicine do not always meet the above criteria.
This paper introduces a test that focuses attention on the asymmetrical relation in the motion
of the sacroiliac joints. This test has both inter-and intra-examiner reliability.
The test is based on the author's hypothesis that each side of the sacroiliac joints plays its own role,
depending on the side of the individual's dominant leg, and that creates the functional asymmetry
of the joints. this paper presents the testing method and discusses the principle of the asymmetry
of the sacroiliac joints in rotational movement from the kinetic and biomechanical point of view.

日本カイロプラクティック徒手医学会 第7回学術大会にて発表
掲載誌 日本カイロプラクティック徒手医学会誌 vol.7 2006