Recipe for Peace

Written by Carmel Ryan


  1. A group of people from Joetsu, Japan. (There was a notorious Prisoner of War (POW) Camp at Joetsu, but the citizens built a peace Park on the site in 1995, and added a Peace Museum in 2000).

  2. Some Japanese folk who are resident in Canberra

  3. Some Australians

  4. The son of an ex-POW and the granddaughter of the Australian commanding 0flicer of the P0Ws.

  5. Seat at random around a dinner table.

  6. Eat and drink slowly, converse in two languages

A very peaceful, fun-filled and enjoyable evening.

Thank you to those teachers who helped me research Japanese History as it is taught in Australia. A retired Head master from Joetsu was very grateful. He is one of the many who would like the Japanese Government to rewrite their History textbooks.

Mrs Carmel Ryan
St Matthews, page
Canberra-Nara Sister City Committee