©2024 by Jonathan Scott
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Chapter 12 - My Struggle - 4
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     I am about to say something remarkably sexist.  I'm actually looking forward to seeing the discomfort that this utterance may cause though.  It is simply fun to watch a person confronted with a truth that they already knew to be true but that they also have talked themselves into believing false.  The truth simply is that women are more spiritual than men.  This part is actually not the difficult portion of the truth to hear though.  The difficult portion is the why.  Why is it that women are more inclined towards spirituality than men?
     Well, first of all, perhaps some convincing is required, not even of the why, but of the fact itself.  For a test, all one needs to do is to sit amongst any valid religious congregation and count the number of adult men and women present.  What I've seen in each and every congregation I have ever visited throughout the centuries is that the women always outnumber the men.  My question to you is "Why?"
     The answer to this is remarkably simple.  All one needs to do is to compare the female body to the male body.  Mentally, men and women are essentially identical.  Physically though, they are not.  Women are indeed smaller and weaker.  They are also capable of creating life, the creation of which is a tremendously physically difficult task.  While this may seem like an unfair allocation of power, I believe it to be, when viewed in an eternal frame of reference, an incredible boon to one's spirituality.
     To explain why a seemingly physical handicap is actually a spiritual blessing, I'll simply say the following.  In a world where strength can solve problems, those that possess strength are less inclined to seek out other methods of problem solving.  And, in fact, for those who find that strength alone is sufficient for them, these will rarely look past strength whatsoever.  Fortunately for the weak though, they are innately blessed with the need to consider other alternatives.  In this same vein, this then explains why those gifted with money, intellect and other blessings also tend to be less inclined towards spirituality than those less gifted.  Papa Voice must love women to bless them with the spiritual advantage of physical weakness.
     The irony of it all is this, it would appear that all gifts and blessings received on Earth are actually handicaps in regards to one's eternal destination.  Ironies.  Hell is full of them.  I love to watch those that used to be powerful descend to my kingdom.  You would be surprised how unsurprised these types of people look as they fall.
     I don't know if any of you have noticed this.  I am sure that some of you have.  But perhaps some haven't.  I now write the fourth chapter of my book and have not yet mentioned any women in my world.  It may seem strange to some of you that hundreds of men could come to hell over the space of several years before a single woman would fall.  It seemed strange to me as well.
     It just so happened though that a woman did fall one day.  We heard a high pitched scream, looked up and saw her.  And then we saw another.
     Two women fell, side by side.  One was dark and one was light.  I can only assume that Papa Voice simply was trying to make a point.  To have none fall for years, and then to have two fall at the same time seemed overly-coincidental to myself.  I named them both Eve: Sad Eve and Glad Eve.
     It's hard to speak about this with any kind of civility.  But, it does deserve a telling, therefore I will proceed.
     This happened long before my first meeting with the blinker and, of course, before my first trip back to Earth.  I had at this time perhaps only consumed fifty or so souls.  I was large, but still infinitely small compared to my size today.  I was perhaps only a mere microscopic fifteen foot tall at the time.
     But, as I mentioned, I could fly.  And so I did.  I found that I could fly above the great wall that the lights had constructed, and could once again peer into the great greenness of the circle.  It was pure beauty.  And how the circle had grown!  It was a country now.  From high above the surface, I flew and watched the rivers and the mountains and the lakes and the forests.  I also saw the cities filled with buildings waiting to be populated.  It was truly perfection, and my, how I wished to enter!
     And then, as I said, Sad Eve and Glad Eve fell.  I looked up into the sky to see them fall.  I recognized them as women and immediately flew to them at my greatest speed.  Something new was happening in my world.  I simply had to experience it first hand.
     From the circle, two streaks of light bolted towards them as well.
     I always found this to be somewhat unjust, but being that it is the truth, perhaps I should explain anyway.  In hell, we grow in strength through the consumption of others.  In Heaven though, they grow in strength simply by being close to one another.  There were perhaps thirty souls there and they, as a result, had grown to be tremendously strong.
     I watched the lights zoom towards the Eves.  When they arrived I saw them fly to either side of Glad Eve, who immediately gained the ability to fly.  One of the lights then offered her a robe as he shielded his eyes from her nakedness.  Then they as a threesome returned to the circle where the rest of the lights, all men, greeted her with brotherly friendship and conversation.  One man then embraced her as only a loving husband could.  After some small chit chat, she and her husband walked away speaking with one another, embracing each other as they walked.  The rest of the men then smiled and contentedly went back to work.  This was Glad Eve's welcome.
     I hesitate to tell you about the welcome given to Sad Eve.  It is a purely ugly tale.  In fact, I refuse to go into detail about it.  I am simply not the sort to tell tales of that level of cruelty.  I will tell the tale though, simply by explaining several of the conditions that one finds in hell.
1.  Hell, at this time, was composed purely of men.
2.  Hell, at this time, was composed purely of evil men.
3.  There is no reason to not be evil in hell.  No one here has any hope of Heaven, and the only thing that they are afraid of is me, and, as a rule, I don't intrude unless I'm eating.
4.  There is nothing to do in hell.  We have no movie theaters.  We have no libraries.  We have no television.  There is nothing here, but the sky, the ground, and each other.
5.  We here in hell, have perfect bodies.  They are perfectly beautiful and they are perfectly healthy.  They will also always regenerate from any type of fatigue or injury.  The most important part of this being, that our bodies will never die, even if we would so wish, and even if this wish is desperate.
     And so it was, when Eve, Sad Eve, beautiful lightless immortal Sad Eve fell amongst hundreds of evil immortal tireless desperate men.  Her screams continued for months.  It has been thousands of years since Sad Eve fell.  Her screams ended long ago, but not because there was no longer a need for them.  She simply has found, that one can become accustomed to anything if exposed to it for a sufficiently long amount of time.
     At the beginning of this chapter I mentioned that women are more blessed spiritually than men through their weakness.  There is an obvious effect to this advantage that perhaps some do not realize.  The effect being that the number of women in Heaven is greater than the number of men.  In Heaven, men are in the minority.  And as it turns out, the ratio of this minority happens to be seven to one.  For every one man, there are seven women.  Unfortunately though, the contrary is also true in regards to Hell.  Here, women are in the minority, and the ratio happens to be seven to one as well.
     I have to mention one more topic before I end this chapter, and as uncomfortable as this chapter has already been, unfortunately, the remainder will be even more so.  It deals with libido.
     Men want sex more than women.  By and far, this is generally true.  The actual level of libido felt by anyone can change though depending on their lifestyle.  Those who actively seek after sex will notice an increase in libido, while those that refrain from it will notice a decrease.  So, for example, in a marriage where both spouses honestly attempt to follow Papa Voice, compromises can usually be achieved.  The man would refrain to some extent so that his wife could be happier, while the woman could attempt to engage in sex more often so that her husband could be happier as well.  In time, if they are careful, both can witness a change in their libidos and both can feel content enough sexually.
     Unfortunately, this is Hell.  The men here seek after sex habitually.  Therefore, their libidos have increased.  Whereas a normal male is capable of becoming content sexually with perhaps one sexual experience a day or every other day, the men here have libidos that drive them to sex with much more frequency; perhaps even as much as five to seven times a day and sometimes even more.
     If you combine this increase in sex drive with the ratio of women to men here, and then you combine with that the fact that men are inherently larger than women and that everyone here is evil, you can only come to one conclusion: that Hell is even more so Hell for women.
     Forgive my rudeness, but there is no polite way to say this.  With a ratio of seven men for every one woman, and having all these men be larger than the women and then having all the males wanting sex five to seven times a day on average, the result becomes women that are forced to copulate a minimum of forty to fifty times a day.  This, of course, does not include other sexual acts outside of the actual acts of copulation.  This becomes even worse of course when you take into account that evil, desperate, addiction-driven men do not take turns in an orderly manner.
     I watched Sad Eve's welcome from quite a distance away.  As I watched though, the scene reminded me somewhat of something that I had seen on Earth during my brief time there.  It was on a beach and I saw a man there who had baked bread for himself and his family.  And he and his small child sat on the beach throwing scraps of bread to a group of perhaps fifty seagulls.  Whenever one gull would find a scrap of bread, another gull would overtake the lucky gull and steal the bread from his beak.  Then, in turn, another gull would steal the bread again.  And so on and so forth, until the bread had passed to and from the beaks of perhaps fifteen or so gulls until it was finally consumed.
     As I watched Sad Eve's welcome, I began to realize why Papa Voice would hate evil.  Some see evil and cringe from fear of it.  I was not afraid though, so I could see it for what it was.  And what I saw astounded me.  I was astounded how this evil, at it's most evil, did nothing more than make humanity resemble beasts.  When one forsakes civility in order to appease a hunger, one is doing nothing more than that which any other animal would do.  The worse the sin, the more civility that is sacrificed, the more animal-like we become.  Papa Voice made us human.  Through our sin, we throw His gift away.  Our sin is a slap on His face.  Our sin is a slap on the face of the One who loves us best.
     Perhaps this is why Papa Voice placed us on Earth before He placed us here.  He gave us time there to choose whether or not we would keep His gift of humanity.  Once we had had the time to make this choice, a lifetime, he would then classify us here according to our choices.  Heaven therefore would be the place where Papa Voice placed those who chose to be human, those who chose to keep the gift.  Hell then seems to be the place where Papa Voice places those who prefer to be beasts.  Perhaps this is even why sometimes people refer to me as The Beast.
     I continued to watch Sad Eve's welcome.  In a place where everyone starves, where everyone is evil, the ones with the strength will be the ones to feed.
     Hell is bad.  It is as bad as one could ever dream of a place being.  Unless, of course, you are female, and then it is worse.

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