spectrum _2021

By Kaoru Hirano

These are used Vans AUTHENTIC model sneakers in six colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. I disassembled the sneakers and untied and retied the fabric pieces one by one to connect them.

The Vans sneakers have a red patch on the heel that says Vans "OFF THE WALL”. It means "unpredictable, unconventional, unusual", and is said to have originated from the 1970s when professional skaters who loved Vans would shout "OFF THE WALL" when a fellow skater performed a difficult move. The AUTHENTIC is one of the first models of Vans sneakers to be produced by custom order, and it is still one of the most popular models. The AUTHENTIC is the first model of Vans sneakers that was established by custom order.

Vans' "OFF THE WALL" can be seen as an admiration for the unusual, and a message to not be ordinary, or it can be seen as ironic, considering that it is written on the patch of a very classic sneaker.

The six colors are the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. Worn-out sneakers extend from the earth to the sky like a rainbow. With the rise of LGBTQ and other social movements in recent years, many people may associate the rainbow with the rainbow flag. However, about 30 years ago, not many people associated the rainbow with LGBTQ issues in Japan. And when you consider that the first rainbow flag was created in San Francisco in 1978, probably the rainbow didn't have that kind of meaning before then. The fact that we now associate the rainbow with LGBTQ people is a wonderful result of the social meaning and rights that have been developed by the movement over the past 40 years. While I admire the social phenomenon that has given a new meaning to the rainbow, but I am wondering who owns the rainbow. The rainbow is just the reflection of the sun's rays on the rain, and it doesn't really have any meaning. The sudden appearance of a rainbow in a blue sky is so beautiful. Its light remains clearly in our memory. It did not belong to anyone.

The rainbow may come back to everyone when we achieve a society that everyone is accepted.

平野 薫=文


VANSのスニーカーの踵には、VANS "OFF THE WALL" の赤いパッチがついています。"OFF THE WALL"は「突拍子もない、型破りな、普通じゃない」というような意味があります。1970年代にVANSを愛用していたプロスケーターたちが、仲間が難易度の高い技を決めた時に"OFF THE WALL" と叫んでいたことが由来のひとつとされているようです。そして、AUTHENTICはカスタムオーダーで創業したVANSの初期モデルのスニーカーで、現在も定番として愛用者が多いモデルです。カスタムオーダーという生産方法を取っていたAUTHENTICモデルこそ、普通じゃない "OFF THE WALL"が一番似合うモデルだと言っている愛用者もいます。

VANS の "OFF THE WALL" は、普通ではないことへの 賞賛、そして普通であるな というメッセージ またはそれが超定番のスニーカーのパッチに記されているということを考えれば 皮肉 と捉えることもできるでしょう。

