
By Kaoru Hirano

The coronavirus pandemic started in 2019, our lives had changed dynamically and the mask is one of them. In the spring of 2020, when the new coronavirus began to spread, masks disappeared from stores and we could not buy them for a while. In Japan, non-woven masks were imported, so when the importer restricted exports, we were stand in a state of immediate nationwide shortage. Nowadays, not only non-woven masks but also many other products are manufactured overseas and imported into Japan. The shortage of masks due to the new coronavirus can be said to be a symbol of modern globalism, which relies on overseas production for many products.

In response to the shortage of non-woven masks, many people made cloth masks by hand same as me. Watching news reports about masks, I realized handmade masks also contain prayers and wishes of people not only the purpose of preventing infection.

The artwork titled called “COVID-19” is made by cloth masks which I made during the pandemic. They are joined together, each mask represents one person. One mask on the first row, two on the second, four on the third, etc. looking down, the number of masks increases rapidly same as a pandemic. On the other hand, the shape of multiple masks hanging from the ceiling reminds me of a thousand paper cranes. “COVID-19” is a form of prayer for the end of the pandemic.​

平野 薫=文


そして不織布のマスクの品薄を受けて、多くの人が布マスクを手作りしました。私自身もマスクを手作りしたり、マスクに関する報道を見るうちに、手作りのマスクには感染防止という目的の他に、コロナにかかりませんように といった祈りや願いが込められていると私は感じました。
