パソコンでプログラミングしよう ウィンドウズC++プログラミング環境の構築




説明を単純化するため[Settings|Editor|Code completion|C/C++ parser]で[...|Options|Use one parser per project]が選択されている(プロジェクト毎にコード補完のためのパーサーを作成する)とする。



ParserBase* NativeParser::CreateParser(cbProject* project)
if ( GetParserByProject(project) )
return nullptr;
ParserBase* parser = new Parser(this, project);
if ( !DoFullParsing(project, parser) )
delete parser;
return nullptr;
return parser;


bool NativeParser::DoFullParsing(cbProject* project, ParserBase* parser)
if (!AddCompilerDirs(project, parser)) ...
if (!AddCompilerPredefinedMacros(project, parser)) ...
if (!AddProjectDefinedMacros(project, parser)) ...
// add per-project dirs
// parse priority files
return true;




bool NativeParser::AddCompilerPredefinedMacrosGCC(const wxString& compilerId, cbProject* project, wxString& defs, ParserBase* parser)
Compiler* compiler = CompilerFactory::GetCompiler(compilerId);
#ifdef __WXMSW__
const wxString cpp_compiler = masterPath + _T("\\bin\\") + compiler->GetPrograms().CPP;
const wxString cpp_compiler = masterPath + _T("/bin/") + compiler->GetPrograms().CPP;
static std::map<wxString, wxString> gccDefsMap;
if (gccDefsMap[cpp_compiler].IsEmpty())
// Check if user set language standard version to use
wxString standard = GetCompilerStandardGCC(compiler, project);
#ifdef __WXMSW__
const wxString args(wxString::Format(_T(" -E -dM -x c++ %s nul"), standard.wx_str()) );
const wxString args(wxString::Format(_T(" -E -dM -x c++ %s /dev/null"), standard.wx_str()) );
if ( wxExecute(cpp_compiler + args, output, wxEXEC_SYNC | wxEXEC_NODISABLE) == -1 )
wxString& gccDefs = gccDefsMap[cpp_compiler];
for (size_t i = 0; i < output.Count(); ++i)
gccDefs += output[i] + _T("\n");
defs = gccDefsMap[cpp_compiler];
return true;



bool NativeParser::AddCompilerDirs(cbProject* project, ParserBase* parser)
// alloc array for project compiler AND "no. of targets" times target compilers
int nCompilers = 1 + project->GetBuildTargetsCount();
Compiler** Compilers = new Compiler* [nCompilers];
memset(Compilers, 0, sizeof(Compiler*) * nCompilers);
nCompilers = 0; // reset , use as insert index in the next for loop
// get targets include dirs
for (int i = 0; i < project->GetBuildTargetsCount(); ++i)
ProjectBuildTarget* target = project->GetBuildTarget(i);
if (...)
// get the compiler
wxString CompilerIndex = target->GetCompilerID();
Compiler* tgtCompiler = CompilerFactory::GetCompiler(CompilerIndex);
if (tgtCompiler)
Compilers[nCompilers] = tgtCompiler;
} // if (target)
} // end loop over the targets
// add the project compiler to the array of compilers
if (compiler)
{ // note it might be possible that this compiler is already in the list
Compilers[nCompilers++] = compiler;
// add compiler include dirs
for (int idxCompiler = 0; idxCompiler < nCompilers; ++idxCompiler)
AddCompilerIncludeDirsToParser(Compilers[idxCompiler], parser);
return true;


  • [Setting|Compiler|Global compiler settings]の[...|Selected compiler]でコンパイラを選択し[...|Search directories|Compiler]で設定されたディレクトリ
  • コンパイラ組み込みインクルードディレクトリ(cc1plus.exeインクルードディレクトリ)


const wxArrayString& NativeParser::GetGCCCompilerDirs(const wxString &cpp_compiler)
static std::map<wxString, wxArrayString> dirs;
// Different command on Windows
wxString Command = platform::windows ? (cpp_compiler + _T(" -v -E -x c++ nul"))
: (cpp_compiler + _T(" -v -E -x c++ /dev/null"));
// action time (everything shows up on the error stream)
wxArrayString Output, Errors;
if ( wxExecute(Command, Output, Errors, wxEXEC_SYNC | wxEXEC_NODISABLE) == -1 )
// start from "#include <...>", and the path followed
// let's hope this does not change too quickly, otherwise we need
// to adjust our search code (for several versions ...)
return dirs[cpp_compiler];